Success Stories
“Your Success Coming Soon!”
– Carol Tager


Success With Mark

“From my earliest conscious memory, I lived on a hamster wheel of food bliss. Round and round I went. Staring 60 in the face was the time to jump off the wheel. I needed good nutrition and a commitment to exercise. Being extremely athletic when it came to a good brisk sit and a modest walk, the exercise piece was a challenge. I knew I would not do this without an assist. Google and I spent some time together, and I stumbled on the website for RHWC, and it looked promising.
I met Mark, started on my personal fitness journey, to say I was intimidated was an understatement. Mark’s experience prevented my overburdened body from being injured. He seemed to know exactly how much to ask of me to prevent me from walking away. I got to know the other coaches and members and realized they were all there for the same reason. The common denominator was to improve.
I am often asked about the number. For those curious, the number is over 90 pounds. I left that focus behind some time ago. The scale is just another tool to maintain health and no longer a weapon to determine good or bad days. To RHWC, and most especially, Mark, I offer my most sincere thank you for the inexhaustible faith in my ability to continue to improve.”
– Sharon Blomquist
“I was referred to RHWC by my cardiologist Stephen Peters, MD. after being placed on medical leave with symptoms of sudden weakness, shortness of breath, high BP and dizziness. I had been admitted into the hospital several times and was unable to walk more than a few hundred feet. At RHWC I was paired with Personal Trainer Kevin, who understood my goals and limitations and quickly gained my trust. I began my journey at 211lbs, with goals to lose weight, feel better and be able to sit on the floor and play with my grandson. Kevin was very perceptive, knowledgeable, and professional. He understood how to challenge me and constantly changed my routines as I progressed.
Currently I weigh 163lbs and no longer have any of the issues that I was admitted to the hospital for. My journey has brought me confidence, self-esteem, improved memory & attention span, productivity and improved relationships with family and friends. When I visit my grandchildren I can crawl all over the floor and play with them. I see the world in a more positive life and find myself laughing more. I’m grateful for the referral to RHWC and the subsequent journey with Kevin.”
– Christine Hinde

– Anges Schach
After a year of consistent exercise, Heather has lost 50 pounds and almost 10 inches in her waist! Her resting heart rate is now at a healthy level and she has so much more energy. Not only is she actually excited to exercise now, but she’s enjoying life in a new way too, “there’s so much to see and do!” Heather says. Heather is thankful for her new lease on life. With the help of her RHWC trainer, she is well on her way to a new healthy way of life and truly enjoying the journey.
– Heather Crawford

– Bailey Laolagi
– Biff Newton

– Nina Christie
– Judi Daniels

Then I found Roseville wellness center, I started in the pool slowly swimming, then took water classes, I started to come Alive, I saw other people there who were working out their own health issues and was amazed at their tenacity, I finally ventured into the Gym (All those machines) I watched as the Coaches worked with members, smiles on their faces and having conversations but always making them work and push themselves. I was truly inspired. I worked harder, pushing myself more and more seeing other member progress inspired me to keep going. Doctor’s saved my life. Roseville health and wellness gave me the opportunity to improve on the life they saved. I will be eternally grateful for the support and life changing experience, the genuine friendship of all the staff and encouragement given on a daily basis. ”
– Andrew Eagle
“I am grateful for Georgia Sayak who recommended RHWC to me and to Noelle who worked with me every step of the way towards my goals.” Noelle implemented Sandie’s program which included cognitive training, mirror therapy, balance and gait, aquatic exercise and a home exercise program. “I have never seen a couple so dedicated to recovery” says Noelle.
Today Sandie is walking short distances and has no doubt that she will continue to succeed in her progression. “I enjoy coming to RHWC because of the genuine warmth and encouragement I feel from both staff and fellow members.
– Sandie Sutherland

Rick’s first move was to undergo a lap-band surgery, which he knew would be just the beginning. Following doctor’s orders, Rick saw the surgery as a tool (losing 50 pounds in 4 months), but not the ultimate solution. He knew he needed to become active!
Rick started moving: everything from simple walking to using Wii Fit gaming systems, the weight continued to come off. His motivation was further encouraged, when his wife introduced him to the Roseville Health and Wellness Center. Rick immediately felt at home with the group exercise classes, where he felt challenged and supported at the same time.
Rick currently attends classes 5 days a week at RHWC and says that fitness literally saved his life. He is grateful to the wellness staff that have instructed him and cheered him along the way in meeting his weight loss and fitness goals! Rick has now lost 130 pounds and his advice to anyone on a similar journey is to “begin slowly but remain consistent. You can’t have some days on and some days off. You must be all in or it just won’t work.” Rick is a shining example of someone who MADE IT WORK!
– Rick Siegel
Agnes is proof that it is never too late to begin a wellness program. She is now able to maintain her 5 acre garden and donate time to local charities. “The service and encouragement I receive from the staff has made all the difference in my success, I feel cared for. In my recovery and journey I have lost 54 lbs. 4 dress sizes and have my cholesterol and blood pressure under control. I have more energy today than I’ve had in many years. Thank you RHWC for giving me my quality of life back”
– Agnes Dobitz

A year ago my life was in shambles. I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a debilitating auto-immune condition that causes extreme fatigue, joint and muscle pain taking away my healthy “zeal for life”. I allowed this condition to overwhelm my whole world. Previously, I thrived in my 40+ hour weeks as a professional interior designer. I maintained my home and all the landscaping as well as a large vegetable garden. Physically I was always very strong and athletic enjoying many strenuous activities.
“I began at the Wellness Center in Aquatic Physical Therapy and soon graduated into the Arthritis / Fibromyalgia classes where I met new friends that encouraged and supported me to be more involved and reclaim my life! Soon, I was working out 3 days per week with a new focus on eating healthy. I quickly lost 10 pounds and got my younger, curvy figure back.
After a lot of hard work and determination, I recently returned to work but what I am most elated about is on a recent hike in Yosemite, my fiancée proposed and we’re now engaged, I’ll be dancing at my wedding soon! It’s very rewarding to look in the mirror with my new found confidence and see someone I thought was gone forever.
I’m happier, healthier and have fought my way back to a fulfilling life!
– Robin DeLong
Although discouraged, Jane knew not all hope was lost. She found a safe place to rebuild her health and gain confidence in her stability again. With the help of RHWC certified personal trainer Amir Celik, Jane was able to achieve the strength and function she was looking for. Her physician husband was so impressed with Jane’s improvement, that he too joined just a few months after her, also gleaning from Amir’s expertise.
Seven months into training, Jane has not only avoided any falls and dislocations, but she feels stronger and more balanced. Jane and her husband remain committed to this new over-all wellness they have found: “We continue to train twice a week with Amir and are enjoying a significantly improved quality of life as a result!”
– Jane Burton

I had great advice from RHWC Personal Trainer Mark Cavallaro, who devised an exercise program for me taking into account my joint (both shoulders, knee, and hip) issues. I made the commitment to myself and my family to better health through diet and fitness. Over the past 20 months, I have lost over 60 lbs., have significant more energy and get around much better. I’ve had a hip replaced so my mobility has markedly improved with my weight loss and exercise program.
I go to RHWC 3 days a week and ride my bike at hone for 40 minutes on the other days. I’ve vowed to continue my healthy lifestyle.
As a practicing physician, I would recommend similar lifestyle changes for my patients but always found an excuse to not commit for me – too tired – not enough time etc. I finally followed my own advice, after being given the gift of health from a patient who cared enough to want me to see the results she was seeing for herself at RHWC.
I move easier, have more energy and as a result am truly enjoying my family and my retirement.”
– David A. Verhaag, MD
Following PT Billie worked with a Personal Trainer and weight loss Physician at the RHWC developing a comprehensive exercise and weight loss program. “I have lost over 100 pounds, have no pain, eliminated medications and no longer need assistance walking.”
Utilizing a combination of services we offer Billie has benefited from a complete lifestyle makeover!:
– Billie Kessel

– Janelle Bento-Williams
Carvin and Tery have come a long way “I have lost 110 pounds reducing my dress size from a 22 to an 8. My husband has lost 60 pounds and shrunk his waistline from a 42 to 36. Most importantly we both have a significant increase in energy and reduced our health risk factors.”
The RHWC is so proud of Carvin and Tery for reaching their goal of living well and achieving a healthy energetic lifestyle. “The family atmosphere and sense of community we experience at Roseville Health & Wellness Center is what keeps us going, it’s like a family.”
– Tery and Carvin Ayers

“Hiring a trainer was a reward to myself and has resulted in an amazing recovery. I have increased my energy levels, have my blood pressure and cholesterol under control and enjoying an active healthy lifestyle”. Like Ann everyone deserves an opportunity to restore their health and enjoy an active lifestyle, reward yourself today.
– Ann Caputo
“In only 8 weeks I no longer have limited range of motion and can move freely without pain. In addition my energy levels have skyrocketed. I am so grateful to my aquatic instructor for her compassion and encouragement. The knowledgeable staff, warm water pool and a support system allowed me to live a high quality life.”
– Wanda Powers

Dennis worked with a variety of wellness practitioners and made significant changes to his health. “I have lost 55 lbs, lowered my cholesterol by 37 points and have more energy than I have ever had, even as a child. RH&WC gave me the tools to improve my lifestyle and quality of life. I encourage others to take the first step.”
– Dennis Ledbetter
Paula began her exercise program in the heated salt water pool and has shown steady progression.
“I never knew exercise could be so much fun, I have lost 70 lbs and 14 dress sizes, my diabetes is under control and I no longer have issues with falling. The staff makes me feel at home, their concern makes all the difference.”
– Paula Bristol

“Mark has been an essential guide thru this process, he designed fitness programs around my limitations. His inspiring me to push myself when I could not do it for myself made all the difference.”
Diane has lost an impressive 126 pounds “I went from a size 28 to a size 8 and no longer require diabetic or cholesterol medication” Diane is an inspiration for anyone who wishes to improve their health “The Wellness Center is a wonderful place to quietly improve yourself.”
– Diane Moldrup
– Donna Cowan

Thus far in Debe’s journey she has lost 130 pounds, lowered her cholesterol over 120 points and feels stronger and healthier than ever before. “My heavy chains have been broken; I have found all the love and support it takes to travel this road to wellness at Roseville Health & Wellness Center”
– Debbie Tucker
Years of dedicating his life work to his many patients and the Roseville community had taken its toll on Dr. Dugan physically. With the assistance of his trainer Noelle, Dr. Dugan has made impressive gains in his stamina, strength, mental acuity and posture. “I wish I had started working out at the Wellness Center years ago, I have not felt this good in a long time and I am having lots of fun”. Dr. Dugan encourages people to seek out a safe environment such as RHWC to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. “I encourage everyone, including physicians to take charge of their health and wellness. Life is precious and exercise can save precious lives”.
– Dr. Paul Dugan

“Although skeptical that I could ever lose so much weight, I increased my workouts to 5 days a week and got rid of all the junk food in my house and began eating smaller portions of healthy foods. After 18 months I lost the 60 lbs. 7 inches from my waist and almost 4 inches from my neck. The sleep apnea is gone and my borderline high blood pressure is now normal.” I love the way I feel and I’m enjoying my healthy lifestyle!
– Jeff Jacobs
Pat opted for the 12 week Corporate Wellness Program a comprehensive program that addresses all aspects of health utilizing a dietitian, private trainer, and relaxation therapies.
“The 12-week program has been designed as an excellent web of services with experts in a variety of disciplines with everyone working cohesively to help me be successful in achieving my goals. After just 12 weeks I lost 23 pounds, over 3 inches in my waistline, decreased a medication, lowered my cholesterol and significantly increased stamina and muscle sustainability during exercise. My ability to process and think is much clearer and I find that I am calmer during stressful situations.”
Pat is an inspiration to us all and proof that a comprehensive approach to a healthier lifestyle yields great results.
– Pat Brady

This is Dee Dee’s 2nd success with us! She was originally satisfied with her increased endurance and strength gains made by taking classes and working out with Personal Trainer Suzanne Moen. But 25 extra pounds did not want to come off. “I thought I could just increase my exercise, in order to compensate for the foods I didn’t want to give up. This was not the case.”
Dee Dee looked to Suzanne once again, this time embarking on the Passport to Fitness Program at RHWC which took her outside her comfort zone. Calorie counting, journaling, hydration and accountability kept Dee Dee on track and she actually exceeded her goal!
Her new eating plan—plus exercise helped her take off 25 additional pounds…Dee Dee’s now back to her Driver’s License weight and that’s where she wants to be!
Dee Dee originally joined the gym in 2005 after a broken foot sidelined her for months, bringing with it a sedentary lifestyle and unwanted pounds. (That’s when her weight zoomed to 160.) Although Arruti says she “literally couldn’t do three minutes on the bike” when she first joined, she’s now a veritable workout queen, with a schedule that would make your head spin. (Spin, incidentally, is her Thursday class.) She works with a personal trainer, takes a body conditioning class and walks five miles five days a week.
She does, however, take a break on Sundays.
But it’s all worth it, Arruti says—and the payoff goes beyond looking good. “I’m more energetic,” she says. “I sleep better.”
– Dee Dee
“Within months I felt like a new person and my doctors were shocked that I eliminated all my medications, required no insulin, lost 40 + pounds and my blood pressure and cholesterol were within normal limits.”
Dennis waist measurement went from a 45 to a 35 and he can spend the $200 per month he used to spend on co-pays for medications on something a little more fun. The best news is that Dennis recently celebrated his 54th birthday and is happy to report that he feels healthier today than he ever recalls feeling. We are proud of Dennis and glad we could play a role in his amazing lifestyle change.
– Dennis Martinez

– Steve Sax
Following the accident Annette, who’d been an avid fitness enthusiast and runner, was no longer able to run and lost interest in athletics and fitness. At the recommendation of her orthopedic physician, Dr. Montessano, Annette began to train with Noelle Ritter, personal trainer at RHWC. Noelle was able to pinpoint the problem areas and recommend specific stretches and strengthening exercises that have greatly restored Annette’s range of motion and reduced the chronic pain.
Annette looks forward to her workouts at RHWC and she has taken advantage of many offerings including water exercise, yoga, pilates, cardio classes. She loves that RHWC has a multitude of equipment and options that allows for many different types of workouts.
With the care of a team of physicians, her personal trainer and the supportive staff at RHWC, Annette has regained her old self. Along with the improvement to her neck, she has lost 35 pounds and has a renewed zest for fitness and life!
– Annette

– Tereasa Goodall
“I was determined to show the doctor that I could lose the weight.” It was the beginning of a long journey that began in late 2002 when she weighed 265 lbs, wore a size 26 pant and a 3X top.
“My journey at RH&WC began with physical therapy in the warm water pool to strengthen my back and decrease my pain”. Caroline eventually was walking up to 2 miles per day and performing exercises to strengthen her body. Caroline’s new goal became “exercising independently at the wellness center.” By making lifestyle changes Caroline has lost over 120 lbs, eliminated the need for surgeries and exercises three times per week.
When asked why she was successful when most have not been, Caroline’s response was that she “I wanted my life back”.
– Caroline Shiro

“I started training 10 weeks prior to my surgery with an emphasis on pre-surgical conditioning. After the surgery my surgeon referred to me as his star patient due to the strength I had gained prior to surgery. Both my nurse and physical therapist at the Wellness Center were amazed at how quickly I recovered.”
Darlene was able to walk without assistance just 10 days after surgery and was released from physical therapy in six weeks. “I continue to train and make positive gains. The staff in PT and at the Wellness Center have been wonderful and supportive to me. The Wellness Center has improved my quality of life and my husband refers to me as his ‘wonder woman’.”
At 73 years old and with a history of chronic knee problems and major surgery, Darlene is a prime example of the importance of proper exercise and a healthy lifestyle
– Darlene Doss
– Karen

– Ed Barraza
– Vita

I started attending Breakfast Burn class at 6:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday. It was not easy at first, but it soon became a pleasure. What I found there is a group of early risers like me, who get the daily fitness routine out of the way first thing in the morning. Roseville Health and Wellness Center creatively works on flexibility and muscle tone, but also keeps us going aerobically. The class was just right for a beginner like me because she let me take it at my own pace. There were tough days, early on, when I would get home at 7:00 am and just sit in a stupor for 15 minutes before I could get ready for work. But after a couple of months, I was ready to add the Spin class on Monday and Wednesday, and the bump from two days per week to four had very positive results in weight loss.
I’ve lost four inches from my waistline and two inches from my collar. I’ve lost 15 pounds overall and am on track to lose more. I am in unbelievably better physical condition. Some of us “regulars” in the morning class start and walk/run a mile together. A year ago, I couldn’t run two blocks without painful shin splints.
It is great to feel fit again. I couldn’t have done it without RHWC and the Breakfast Burn!”
– Jim Hurley
Following surgery and rehab Greg rates his success at 100% for normal activities and is enjoying golf and basketball with friends. He has gained 37 pounds since his surgery and is in better condition than before the accident stating he is stronger and leaner as a result of the rehab and training program. It has been a pleasure seeing Greg reach his goals.”
– Greg Pistochini

However, once I began physical therapy at Sacramento Spine & PT in the Wellness Center, not only did I start to feel better, but I also saw very drastic and positive changes happening to my body. In fact, within the first month of therapy/strength training, I dropped 2 pant sizes!!!! This was truly amazing to me, because for the first time in my life, I was actually spending far less time in a gym than I ever was before, but because of the strength training workouts, I was actually able to reshape my body to the same size that I was 15 years ago when I was involved in college athletics, training 3 -4 hours per day!!!! Personally, I am now a fan for life of strength training, because it has given me my old body back without having to spend hours and hours in the gym. Additionally, the benefits of weight training have been so significant for me that I am actually now able to participate in some of the activities that I used to enjoy prior to the injuries, such as horseback riding and snow skiing. For me, that is reason enough to stick with the weight training for life!!!
– Julie
– Tim Marquette

I simply didn’t exercise regularly, and I ate whatever and whenever I wanted. My favorite late night snack was a burger and fries. As the seasons went by I began to realize my clothes no longer fit. Then as I looked back at pictures I noticed I had really plumped up and didn’t ever realize it.
It is not easy for me, my weight will fluctuate quickly if I do not watch what I eat and exercise regularly. I still enjoy the foods I love but all in moderation. I am proof that it can be done, if I can do it so can you!
– Lisa Lyford
“My successes have been numerous and wonderful, I have lost 20 lbs and many inches, I have cut my blood pressure medications in half which really impressed my doctor.”
– Connie Reynolds

In no time at all, Ken was able to jog-walk and has recently enlisted one of the Wellness Center’s super-trainer. Ken is losing weight and adding more strength and endurance every week.
Ken is now 212 pounds and still losing. He is enthusiastic about his new approach to his health and fitness. Great job Ken!
– Ken Kessel
Mike started physical therapy with a great attitude and quickly became a favorite with the staff. He has exceeded the expectations of most and is currently walking with minimal assistance. Mike says he enjoys the friendly staff, thinks the therapist will do anything it takes to get results and he really looks forward to therapy each week. Mike’s work ethic, positive attitude and determination to obtain a full recovery have been inspirational to all of us
– Mike Morgan

“The classes and instructors have taught me the correct body mechanics. If you work out regularly, you will see a difference. Be encouraged, there is hope even with chronic pain.” Today, Janie is getting the maximum enjoyment from her efforts. Her migraines and pain are greatly reduced and she has increased energy, and a sculpted physique. It is also the first time in her life she has ever worked out on a consistent basis. Even though she is out of her comfort zone posing for the wall of fame, we know her commitment and results will inspire others.
– Janie Taylor
After just 90 days, a group of 20 participants lost over 670 inches and a total of 406.1 lbs by participating in the Disease Management program at the Roseville Health and Wellness Center… The 12 week program addresses all aspects of health utilizing a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach and Relaxation Therapies. Participants realized successes in all areas of health including a 56 point drop in cholesterol, 39 lbs lost, decreased pain, elevated moods, increased energy on average.
We have found that you cannot reverse toxic behavior with any one of the disciplines alone. Every piece of the puzzle is equally as important to the overall success of lifestyle change!
– Lisa

– Louise Cadden
– Patty McCartney

As a result, following his surgery Graham was able to walk without assistance on the day of the operation. He left the hospital in twenty-six hours, had only two days of home care and retired his cane in one week. Typically, a patient would utilize a cane for ten weeks!
No doubt exercise and a great attitude played a major role in Graham’s quick recovery.
– Graham
– Rebecca Miller

Robin is grateful to Yoga Instructor Lisa for helping her lose weight as well as gain strength and flexibility. She also utilized Noelle Ritter and her knowledge on injury rehabilitation to assist Robin after physical therapy on her shoulder. “The way Robin takes responsibility in her own health continues to impress me. She really wants to understand her body and how she can improve. “ — Noelle Ritter
Robin’s smile and energy is contagious, no wonder she has found such a community of friends at the Roseville Health and Wellness Center.
– Robin Stanley
If I can help anyone else start their own personal journey, or if you’re already on your own path but need a traveling companion for a time, I am open and ready to walk beside you and be your friend!”
– Debe Tucker

– Wendy Louis
Daryn participated in the Disease Management Program at RHWC, after just 90 days his waist size dropped from a 36 to a 32, cholesterol dropped 50 points, made healthy changes to his diet, increased strength and was running 20+ miles per week.
“It has been 1 year since completing the program and I am still exercising 4-6 days per week and feel healthier than I have ever felt in my life. I am more focused at work, productive at home, coach my son’s baseball team and play organized sports. Thank you to the professional staff at RHWC for getting me back on track.”
– Daryn, Chief Operating Officer Sutter Roseville Medical Center

Robert S Taylor MD, a concierge family practice physician has counseled patients for 30 years about good health. Recently, he embarked on a life changing journey at RH&WC that has redefined his own health. “I have lost 30 pounds, added muscle mass and increased my VO2 max by 64%”. “RH&WC has been marvelous for me and my family.” Dr. Taylor continues to be an inspiration to his patients and friends.
– Dr. Robert Taylor
David Brock, who has done just that plus lost 70 pounds and dropped his blood pressure from 196/116 to 115/65! David learned how to use food as nourishment and a vigorous exercise program to drop the weight so he could enjoy the healthy life he’d been seeking for years. He is now taking pride and satisfaction from doing what seemed to be impossible, His inspiration is contagious- and David is now a living example of what true success looks like.
– David Brock

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Your Tour will include:
- Meeting our membership coordinator
- Discussing your personal goals and interests.
- Touring the club and learning first-hand about the RHWC facilities and programs
- Listen to your goals and objectives regarding your health/fitness and discuss options
- Discussing our membership options that best suit your needs
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We’d love to discuss how we can tailor our fitness and wellness programs with your specific needs in mind
Roseville Health & Wellness Center
1650 Lead Hill Blvd
Roseville, CA 95661
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Roseville Health & Wellness
1650 Lead Hill Blvd
Roseville, CA 95661
Our goal is to make Roseville the healthiest community in America. We provide a unique combination of medical and fitness services allowing each individual to achieve total body wellness. ~ Jeff DeRaps, President RHWC. Inc.